Mindset for Golf

Cheers to the holiest of seasons! Time to relax and spend time with family and friends.

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One of the things I like to do this time a year is to reflect on the year that is almost behind me and set a new intention for the year ahead.

While I do that, I like to pick a word, just one word, that will inspire me to push forward to accomplish some of the goals I set. It also feels much more nourishing than coming up with a New Year's resolution.

My word for 2015 was joy. Joy is a word that has been guiding me throughout the year. What gives me joy? I love helping people. One of the things that gave me the most joy this year was hosting golf retreats for women. Thank you to all who participated! My intention with the retreats is to create a supportive environment where women can learn, grow and have a lot of fun! There are more retreats in the works for next year.

If you are interested in setting an intention for next year, I found this really helpful resource.  I am still picking between my five finalists!

What do you need more of next year? What inspires you? What do you want?

Lots of questions to ponder!

I wish you the best of seasons and look forward to connecting in January!

Keep swingin',



Rebecka Heinmert1 Comment