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Double Your Putting Magic

Here's what people said of the last class:

"I now know how to practice putting!" -Rosa

"Much more aware of the power of consistency in all aspects of putting from the stroke (tempo) to the read to the pre-shot routine." -Joseph

"This class has done so much to increase my confidence in putting. When I miss, I feel like I have a better idea of what went wrong. The drills suggested making practice more effective and interesting. It was great just focusing on one thing per week and I like that I can return to the lessons online for a refresher. GREAT class!" -Kathy

"The class has helped me hit the sweet spot on the putter face and roll the ball better. I enjoyed every part of this class (the lessons, drills, live video, Facebook posts and comments)."  -Cindy

"I think your putting class is excellent for all levels from beginner to advanced golf. Thanks so much! I even enjoy putting practice now!" -Karen